Monday, July 15, 2013

Poem: I am just a poet

I am Just a Poet

Sitting, thinking, and passing away time
in a cozy and comfy atmosphere.
My mind wanders from past, present, and even dreams of the future.

I'm just a poet, who may spend her day, 
lazily glazing outside a window. 
Sometimes entertaining myself for hours at a time... 
Not even moving a single joint. 
Even though my mind has probably traveled cross country!

The magic ink flows through my pen at lightening speeds, 
As I write about such things like the stars, even sometimes...death.

The stories pour from my heart, 
only revealing emotions felt at the current time.

I write what I see, hear, feel, and experience. 
I'm just a poet. 
Who shares it like it is. 
A heartfelt piece of scripture written true... 
-a poet who wanted to share her life with you. 


*Read more by Ariana R. Cherry at:

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