Sunday, February 23, 2014

Poem: Healing Spring


I feel your wind on my face
as the sun tries to uncover itself
from its darkened space.

The breeze shifts directions,
bringing on a weathering change.

A distant warmth reaches out
touching my cold bare skin
as it rises my temperature from within.

I can feel you so close,
as you blow through my hair.

The echoes of spring
whisper in the air.

Mother nature is dancing through my soul
and I urge the darkened winter ghoul
to crawl back into its underground hole. 

I feel your changing winds in the air
Soon your bountiful bright colors will
spread everywhere.

Everything will be a'new 
once again.... 

The changing of the season
give us a living reason,
as we dance to your amazing grace
feeling the greatness of your healing glow
on our face. 

-Ariana R. Cherry

*Read Ariana R. Cherry at 

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