Sunday, March 31, 2013

Poem: You Can


You Can
Walking down an old country rocky road,
on a dark and dreary day,
I met an old wise man.
He stopped, and took my hand,
and then told me,

"You can." 

Barefoot was he, standing in a white silk robe.
Confused, I turned my head at the old wise man.
His eyes sweetly twinkled with a smile.

"You can, my child," he repeated.

And then he took my hand,
and placed it on my heart.

"Your love will guide you," the wise man told me.

I sighed.
"My heart has been heavy," I replied.

The old wise man in the white silk robe stood still,
and seemed to think for a moment.
He nodded his head, as if he understood.

Suddenly, a bright ray of sunlight
spread across the dark cloudy sky.
Doves gracefully flew all around, over high.
The scene was so beautiful and heavenly,
that tears begun to fall.

Without hesitation,
the wise man moved towards me with open arms.
Immediately, I fell into them and wept.

"My child, although your heart has been heavy,
he still loves and will always be with you.
Soon you will see...

"You can."

From there, he guided me across the rocky rock,
whispering in my ear,
"With his love, anything is possible."

And just like the wind,
the old wise man in the white silk robe was gone.
Giving me the strength to move on.

-Ariana Cherry 2013

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