Thursday, February 27, 2014

Poem: Poe is Out

"Poe" is Out

For the longest time,
she hid within the darkest 
part of the secret woods,
awaiting to make
her big appearance.

Years ago, she escaped there,
to get away from the
noisy obscurities of the world.
Too much reality
had poisoned her sacred innocent soul.

Back into the damp earth,
she made a bed of timber and tree leaves,
where she would lay down with her running thoughts
trying to put her mind at ease.

Years before, she was a shining star,
glittering across the skies
and basking in the sunlight.
She wrote stories of laughter,
that won everyone's heart
with happiness and delight.

But then, the hardness of pungent music
filtered in through the glitter,
turning it into tattered dust.
And viewing too much of unreal reality entertainment
just made her bitter.

No longer did her words sparkle across the sky.
In fact, the noise became so loud,
it was all she could do, not to cry.

Into the forest, she retreated
because in her heart,
she felt that the world had been defeated.

But now...

After some years of her forest retreat,
she's bringing into the world
a new kind of beat.

The leaves of her timbered bed have rustled
and the winds are pouring in,
She's ready for her new stories to begin.

Those forest friends had some stories to share,
They've helped her peel back, that hidden layer.

She's ready to make some of her own noise.


-Ariana R. Cherry 2014

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